Thank you for your interest in Breathe Portraits for New Perspectives

Explore playful portraiture exercises, listen to uplifting tunes, and connect with others in this exciting new collaboration between Breathe Arts Health Research and Guy’s and St Thomas’ Breast Reconstruction Team. 

The aim of this pilot is to explore how portraiture and group creativity can improve self-image and mental wellbeing for women who have had breast reconstruction surgery, providing a space for reflection, self-expression, conversation, and connection. 

Across five evening sessions, starting in November 2024, you’ll try out a variety of creative activities like drawing, zine-making, and collaging.

There’s no need to be a ‘good’ artist or have any prior drawing experience—this is all about having fun and expressing yourself! 

Please register your interest using the form below and we will get in touch with more information. 

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Personal Details

*Surname: Mobile number: *Email: *Confirm email: *Date of Birth:

Emergency Contact Details

Please provide Emergency contact information (should anything happen to you at a session). I agree to Breathe Arts Health Research occasionally taking photos or short recordings of sessions for promotional and reporting reasons. (No personal details will be visible).
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