We build strong meaningful relationships with businesses, individuals, commissioners, schools, universities and trust and foundation funders; all of whom help make our work possible.
As a social enterprise Breathe are proud to receive regular commissions from the NHS, hospital charities and Clinical Commissioning Groups from across the country. We work alongside commissioners and funders to design and deliver bespoke arts in health programmes, meeting targeted local needs.
Each of our brilliant participants and supporters have their own individual experience of Breathe. The ways in which they choose to support our work are just as individual. From running a marathon, leaving a Legacy in their Will, nominating us as their school or workplace’s chosen charity or making a monthly donation – everything counts.
To share best practice and raise money to support our work, we offer training and consultancy services to individuals and organisations in the UK and internationally.
If you’d like to know more about how you can support Breathe visit Support Us or get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.