Thank you for your interest.

Please note, Breathe Arts for Staff Wellbeing Summer Workshops are only open to staff working within South East London Integrated Care System (ICS).

We look forward to welcoming you!

Personal Details

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

*Surname: *Email: *Confirm email:
*What summer workshops would you like to sign up for? (select all that apply)

Breathe Drawing for Unwinding (Wednesday evenings - online)
Breathe Dance for Mind and Body (Thursday evenings - King's College Hospital SE5 9RS)

*What taster sessions would you like to sign up for? (select all that apply)

Sing for Stress Relief (Tuesday 30th July, 6-7pm - St Thomas' Hospital SE1 7EH)
Magic for Mental Health (Monday 5 August, 6:30-7:30pm - online)
Comedy for Confidence (Tuesday 13 August, 7-8pm - online)

Do you agree to Breathe Arts Health Research occasionally taking screenshots, photos or short recordings of online and in person sessions for promotional and reporting issues?
(No personal details will be visible). Yes, I agree.
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Yes, please sign me up.

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